Friday, July 29, 2011
Please Help
I know I've recently won a few things, but I've entered myself into a contest on Facebook. I'm asking for help from my followers (if willing). Please go to, like their page, and like my photo submission. The picture with the most likes wins! The prize is 10 of Glamberry's favorite e.l.f. products and I LOVE e.l.f.! Thank you in advance!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Want, Want, Want!
To add to my previous post, I've discovered Irregular Choice and I want so many of their goodies. I'll admit they're pricey, really pricey, way out of my price range actually, but I'll just keep dreaming of the day when I can drop $165 on a pair of shoes and still have money for food :)
This one is my second favorite of the group
And my favorite of the bunch...
Small wishlist
Okay, so anyone who really knows me, knows that I am not the girliest person. I was always much more of a tom-boy than a girly girl. I have never gotten into the color pink. I think it can be okay for some things, but am just not a fan. Anyway, as I've gotten older I've gotten a lot more into makeup, clothes, fashion and whatnot, but I am still very much a geeky girl who likes comic books, sports, technology, in depth conversations about history & science, some video games, and much more that I won't go into.
With that said.... I REALLY WANT THESE SHOES!!!
Steve Madden 'Russhh' Pump - on sale at Nordstrom for $39.90
Steve Madden 'Fraid' Espadrille Sandal - on sale at Nordstrom for $29.90
(but their website is now saying item unavailable, so I must have missed a fantastic deal)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Beauty by Krystal Giveaway Goodies
So my goodies from Beauty by Krystal arrived on Monday! I was so excited to see the box in the mail! My cat Spike was very interested as well :)
Everything was packaged very well and individually wrapped. It was like a mini Christmas in July! Or a late birthday gift, depending on how you look at it :) I couldn't wait to open everything up and start using some of the products. Krystal even included a little card with some extra Target coupons! Those will come in handy.
I've had the pleasure of using the matte shade from the CND The Look - Perfectly Bare Nail Polish duo pack and love it! The CND Sentsations Hand & Body Lotion in Mango Coconut is amazing as well. I apologize for my lighting, my apartment receives no direct sunlight. It's nice to not be woken up by the sun at 5am in the summer, but when it comes to natural light it's no good.
I managed to snag e.l.f. products I didn't have yet but was itching to pick up, so that was a total score! The 141 piece Master Makeup Collection will last me for ages and I love all the options it has! I can't wait to try out some new looks with it. I've really been wanting to test out some different bronzers with my skin and this is perfect!
Thank you again to Beauty by Krystal! This prize is amazing and I am so happy to be able to try out these new products!
I've had the pleasure of using the matte shade from the CND The Look - Perfectly Bare Nail Polish duo pack and love it! The CND Sentsations Hand & Body Lotion in Mango Coconut is amazing as well. I apologize for my lighting, my apartment receives no direct sunlight. It's nice to not be woken up by the sun at 5am in the summer, but when it comes to natural light it's no good.
I managed to snag e.l.f. products I didn't have yet but was itching to pick up, so that was a total score! The 141 piece Master Makeup Collection will last me for ages and I love all the options it has! I can't wait to try out some new looks with it. I've really been wanting to test out some different bronzers with my skin and this is perfect!
Thank you again to Beauty by Krystal! This prize is amazing and I am so happy to be able to try out these new products!
Posted by
4:03 PM
1 comment:
Beauty by Krystal,
Cherry Culture,
China Glaze,
Cricket Technique,
Kitten and Vixen,
Peacekeeper Cause-Metics,

Friday, July 22, 2011
Growing it Out
For those of you who don't know, I have very long, thick, curly red hair. I very much prefer it when it's straightened because it's easier to manage and I think it looks much nicer. I don't do it very often because between blow drying and flat ironing, it can take 2 hours to do. Well, I went to Ulta on Wednesday for their free wash and straight style event and had the pleasure of having someone else straighten my hair for me. It wasn't until after that I realized just how long my hair is getting! It's been much longer in the past, but in about September 2007 I cut it to just below my shoulders and have been wanting it long ever since. Between then and now, I've had quite a few mishaps and set backs with trims and styles gone awry (multiple times they cut 4+ inches off when I only asked for 1-2). One time the stylist cut off 6 inches trying to straighten out a trim! I was very upset. Anyway, back to my point. Nearly 4 years later, it's finally getting there!
This image is from Instagram, so my hair looks much more dyed red than the auburn color it is, but this is how long it is! Not much longer until it's at my waist again. I can't wait!
Schick Razor Prizes
I posted earlier that I won Beauty by Krystal's Schick Quattro For Women giveaway. The items actually arrived last week but I've been so busy with work and life that I haven't had a chance to post about them yet! Okay, so here they are
I'm pretty sure the Trim Style was supposed to be the limited edition in purple, but hey, it's a free razor! I'm not complaining. I actually already have this razor at home and love it, so having a backup is wonderful! Thank you again!
I'm pretty sure the Trim Style was supposed to be the limited edition in purple, but hey, it's a free razor! I'm not complaining. I actually already have this razor at home and love it, so having a backup is wonderful! Thank you again!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Miss Fashion Beauty's 700 Follower Big MAC Giveaway
Holly over at Miss Fashion Beauty has reached 700 followers and is hosting a MAC giveaway! I would love to get my hands on the Surf, Baby products! I don't have anything MAC yet so wouldn't it be awesome to win! Head on over and check it out!
Mini Penny's Recycled Leather Clutch Giveaway
Stop by Mini Penny and check out this fabulous, recycled leather clutch she made from a leather jacket and silk shirt that she's giving away! Ends 7/31/2011.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I'm a Blog Giveaway Winner!
This is a few days late, but along with some of the other things I've been winning lately, one that I am super excited about is Beauty by Krystal's Krystal's BIG Thank You Giveaway! I was searching for information about a new makeup company I had discovered, e.l.f. (which I have posted about before), and found her videos. They're extremely helpful for someone like me who had never ordered anything from them before to see what the products actually look like and to get her opinion on them. So I decided to enter her giveaway. Well, I won first prize!!! I'm so, so, so excited to receive this.
1st PRIZE INCLUDES (items asterisked were received from PR):
ELF 141 Piece Master Makeup Collection
ELF Blooming Eyeshadow Collection
ELF Brightening Eye Color in Drama
ELF Nail Polish in Clear
China Glaze Nail Lacquer in Sexy Silhouette
*Peacekeeper Cause-Metics "Perfect As Is" Lip Balm in Tinted Rose
*Peacekeeper Cause-Metics Eco-Sheer Lip Gloss in Stillness
*CND The Look - Perfectly Bare Nail Polish duo pack
*CND Scentsations Hand & Body Lotion in Mango & Coconut
*CND Scentsations Hand & Body Wash in Mango & Coconut
*Cricket Technique Thermal #390 2" Tourmaline Ionic Brush
iViScents iSmell Soap in Sandcastle
iViScents Towel Treat in Chocolate Cupcake
ULTA 4 Piece Lip Glossary Set
ULTA Anti-Bacterial Hand Lotion in Pomegranate
ULTA Anti-Bacterial Hand Soap in Pomegranate
Cherry Culture Lip Balm in Bubble Gum
Kitten & Vixen Liner Pencil Sharpener
VALUE: $180
I haven't tried any of these products aside from the clear e.l.f. nail polish, so I'm so excited to get a chance to try out new things. Thank you so much for hosting the giveaway Krystal. Head on over to her blog and youtube pages and check her out! I'll post photos when I receive the items.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2!
So my last post was about how I had won 3 contest/giveaways. Well, I have won more!
First, on Friday, July 8th, I won a Twitter contest through the Sacramento Bee for a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. It was a prize pack that included a t-shirt, 2 posters, and 2 tickets to a prescreening of the film this past Monday. To win, I had to be one of the first two people to respond correctly to this question:
"1st 2 ppl win #HarryPotter (1) Name of Harry's snowy owl, Hermione's cat, & Ron's rat? (2) INCLUDE @wbpictures & "win w/ @beebuzzpoints ""
I was the first to respond to the question with all the requirements, correct answers, with correct spelling!
So, Monday night after work my boyfriend and I went to the theater to pick up my prize pack, not thinking we would make it into the screening because people had started lining up before noon to see it, but when we got there the line wasn't nearly as long as we had thought it would be, so we figured we take a chance and wait to see if we could make it in the theater, AND WE DID!!! It was a 3D showing, but that was still okay with me! I thought the movie was amazing. It was very emotional and only 2 hours, but I can tell you that I can't wait to go again for the midnight premier tonight!!! I'm just as excited to see it again as if it was the first time.

I really like this picture because the words look like they're floating and not really printed on the shirt.
First, on Friday, July 8th, I won a Twitter contest through the Sacramento Bee for a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. It was a prize pack that included a t-shirt, 2 posters, and 2 tickets to a prescreening of the film this past Monday. To win, I had to be one of the first two people to respond correctly to this question:
"1st 2 ppl win #HarryPotter (1) Name of Harry's snowy owl, Hermione's cat, & Ron's rat? (2) INCLUDE @wbpictures & "win w/ @beebuzzpoints ""
I was the first to respond to the question with all the requirements, correct answers, with correct spelling!
This is the screenshot they posted of their responses. I answered twice because the first time I didn't include "Win w/@beebuzzpoints"
I couldn't believe it! I was sooooo excited!
So, Monday night after work my boyfriend and I went to the theater to pick up my prize pack, not thinking we would make it into the screening because people had started lining up before noon to see it, but when we got there the line wasn't nearly as long as we had thought it would be, so we figured we take a chance and wait to see if we could make it in the theater, AND WE DID!!! It was a 3D showing, but that was still okay with me! I thought the movie was amazing. It was very emotional and only 2 hours, but I can tell you that I can't wait to go again for the midnight premier tonight!!! I'm just as excited to see it again as if it was the first time.

Monday, July 11, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Extremely Good Luck
I don’t mean to brag, but I have won 3 things since Saturday! I’m so excited! I've had some extremely good luck these past few days. My boyfriend s a little disgusted by this since he says he never wins anything, but this past Christmas at his work party he won an iHome, so I don't know what he's talking about, lol :)
First, on Sunday, I found out that I won a Schick Giveaway hosted by the lovely Beauty By Krystal. The prize was a Limited Edition Schick Quattro for Women Razor AND a Schick Quattro for Women Trimstyle, both featuring a NEW conditioning strip enriched with Acai Berry and Jojoba Complex designed for a comfortable and incredibly smooth shave you could skip a day or two. Hopefully they’ll arrive soon!
Second, I received a notification this morning that I was one of 25K to win a NEW HD Advanced Lip Color from Milani. I entered on their facebook page some time last week. I didn’t get to choose the color, but they said “We made every effort to match your preferred color and truly hope you enjoy your new makeup.” I can’t wait to see what they’ve matched for me!
Third, as I’ve mentioned before, I’m a member of a program called House Party. You sign up and apply to host parties that are supplied by different groups and organizations. They held a “Twitter Party” earlier this morning, and I was the first to answer a particular question with the correct answer. The question in particular was “In what year did Congress recognize the Pledge of Allegiance?” Now I don’t want to mislead anyone into thinking that I knew this off the top of my head, because I didn’t, but I was able to successfully Google my way to the correct answer and respond within 15 seconds. That I am proud of :) My prize? I won a VIP Party Pass which allows me to host any party of my choosing so long as I match the criteria the company requires for their party demographic. So, if the company/organization wants families with children as their hosts, I wouldn’t be able to host since I do not have children of my own, etc. I don’t mind though. I’m hoping to host a party with really awesome loot. I love free stuff and I know my friends do as well!
Now I've entered quite a few giveaways so far and I plan to keep on entering as many as I can. Here's to hoping I can bring home some sweet stuff!
First, on Sunday, I found out that I won a Schick Giveaway hosted by the lovely Beauty By Krystal. The prize was a Limited Edition Schick Quattro for Women Razor AND a Schick Quattro for Women Trimstyle, both featuring a NEW conditioning strip enriched with Acai Berry and Jojoba Complex designed for a comfortable and incredibly smooth shave you could skip a day or two. Hopefully they’ll arrive soon!
Second, I received a notification this morning that I was one of 25K to win a NEW HD Advanced Lip Color from Milani. I entered on their facebook page some time last week. I didn’t get to choose the color, but they said “We made every effort to match your preferred color and truly hope you enjoy your new makeup.” I can’t wait to see what they’ve matched for me!
Third, as I’ve mentioned before, I’m a member of a program called House Party. You sign up and apply to host parties that are supplied by different groups and organizations. They held a “Twitter Party” earlier this morning, and I was the first to answer a particular question with the correct answer. The question in particular was “In what year did Congress recognize the Pledge of Allegiance?” Now I don’t want to mislead anyone into thinking that I knew this off the top of my head, because I didn’t, but I was able to successfully Google my way to the correct answer and respond within 15 seconds. That I am proud of :) My prize? I won a VIP Party Pass which allows me to host any party of my choosing so long as I match the criteria the company requires for their party demographic. So, if the company/organization wants families with children as their hosts, I wouldn’t be able to host since I do not have children of my own, etc. I don’t mind though. I’m hoping to host a party with really awesome loot. I love free stuff and I know my friends do as well!
Now I've entered quite a few giveaways so far and I plan to keep on entering as many as I can. Here's to hoping I can bring home some sweet stuff!
Posted by
3:45 PM
Beauty by Krystal,
facebook freebie,
free stuff,
House Party,
my life,
Schick Quattro,

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